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We Are O2i

We're creating the best in interactive experience by making simulators that change the way people interact with reality.

Oxygen 2 Innovation is committed to ensuring the success of every initiative which is setting up a state of the art - line of an International standard Products. We would be open to suggestions and would extend all flexibility within our abilities to ensure that the best outcome be delivered. Our long term support in terms of Technological, Team building and support in any unforeseen need would be there to ensure that every dream takes the desired shape.

What We Are About


Oxygen 2 Innovation Pvt. Ltd. is the first start up to get 3 consecutive projects from IDEX DIO. Including AI based project from HAL for simulation software development for lead on fighter training along side computer generated forces. We has also won AR/VR based maintenance project for Mirage 2000 fighter aircraft, same to be incorporated at Tettra School, Indian Airforce Station, Gwalior. Not just fighter jets, we develop VR based 6 dof helicopter simulator for preparation of helicopter pilots at Combat Army Aviation Training School, Nasik.


In this technology driven and competitive world, it is imperative for us to develop abilities that will help us to be the future leaders of tomorrow. But, as all good things in life are not easy to achieve, we know that this journey is also not going to be easy for you. But, we assure you, that as your partner, we will make it as simple and seamless as possible for you and your dreams.


O2i has the best possible team led by Air Vice Marshal Ashok Singhal who has extensive experience in Fighter Aircrafts & War Scenarios. Abhinav Singhal who has a specialisation in Robotics and extensive experience in AI Systems provides theTech depth to the organisation.

Meet the Founders

Our Offices

Our Development Undergoes Indigenously In Noida

O2i is committed to ensure that the best simulator technology can be put to use to secure every soldier.

We’d Love to Work With You

Have a passion towards technology? or pursuit for innovation? WHAT? IT'S BOTH ?

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